Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Christian Parenting Revealed To Gods Glory

When a child is born,there always exists a wonderful opportunity for the child to eventually have a sound, godly relationship with his/her Creator.
From birth,the child develops in every way;Physically,Mentally,Socially,Emotionally and Spiritually.
True Christian Parents and other adult family member's need to nurture the spiritual development of their pre-schoolers by teaching them first about prayer.
That it is our way to talk to the God who created them too"
"Kids learn responsibility by developing Internal Motivation Systems. Losing any excess stubborness also will help them.
In laymans words,they should create their own motivators to get done what they need to at the time without needing a parent to step up and compel them to get the task done.
The parents only job is to require them to develop the systems and then hold them accountable to use them." Christian Children are Cultivated Daily.
True Christian Parenting stems from people who are committed to having a deep personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Our daily ministering should always flow from our own relationship with Jesus Christ.
If we do not have a deep and abiding relationship,then all that’s done is done in our own power,not Jesus Christs and whats been done could end up possessing some noticeable flaws.
Parents can make it appear as if they are being 'successful in their parenting for awhile,but spiritually speaking,it will always be lacking the main ingredient- The Lord Jesus Christ.”
And us parents should bear in mind how Jesus taught His disciples that children were important to Him and that they could be and should be taught important spiritual truths as children rather than later in life as adults.
Jesus at one point in time had made it perfectly clear how He loved and valued children when He scolded them when the Apostles tried stopping some from going over to Him when He was sitting and talking.
Mark 10:13-17
Jesus welcomed the parents and the children they were bringing to Him.
By taking time for the children,Jesus showed the parents and the disciples that children are truly valuable and worthy of our time,relationships,and godly instruction.”
“Fathers,do not exasperate your children,instead,bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord”
Ephesians 6:4
“This word translated fathers could well be translated parents,because it includes Both the father [and] the mother.
It is also true that the emphasis is laid largely upon the father,for he is responsible for what the children become.
Dads get the blame whenever something turns out wrong even if the mother had some involvement
That is sobering,is it not,fathers?
Mothers enforce Family & House Rules,but it's the father's task to establish them and see that the children are raised properly while learning and obeying them all.
There is nothing that is more dishonoring to the spirit of Christianity than the attitude adopted by many fathers
It is my job to make the living,her job is to raise the children.
That Is Not in the Word of God!]
In the Bible,the ultimate responsibility for what a home is to become falls on the father,he establishes family prayer and Bible reading times and holds a family Bible Study regularly.
Doing so creates in children,an ever-growing inner hunger for the Word of God.
There is a difference between Head Bible Knowledge and an inner spiritual hungering-[craving] for Gods Word.
Love for the Word builds a deeper,stronger love for Jesus Christ and ultimately through such,more Gods blessings in your life.
It’s so important for Christian parents today with the escalating degradation of this world love Jesus even more than love your church.
Remember often as a parent,you were at one time where they are,as the child so don't be overly hard on them.
Show them compassion whenever you can,give them lots hugs and encouragement.
Display Gods grace to your child now and then when they have done wrong and you are ready to administer discipline.
Obviously you can't do it every time they do something wrong but once in awhile,extend Gods grace to them,letting them know that each time.
You could even administer a subtle form of discipline in grace.
Have them look up all Bible verses that pertain to Gods grace,that way they will get to learn something extra and rewarding about grace,that it is very real,that God invented it and extended it to mankind,that grace is much more than the name of a prayer at meal times.
It will even have you come across as that extra special parent,a Christian parent who shows Gods grace where other parents tend not to do.
Listen up all of you Christian Moms and Dads, apart from Jesus Christ being the main focal point of our daily living and His showering us with some of extra Grace whenever needed, don't ever make any room at all for the devil to make his way into your home and start chipping away at your children's  growing relationship with Jesus besides your marriage by causing arguments and disagreements that never use to be the norm.
He will try because,besides you both being Christian threats to him and his evil worldly plans, your pruning and shaping  your children to grow into young Christian adults  constitutes a threat to him as well so he will do his best to break in somehow and frustrate your plans for your children.
And take it from personal experience, a dads unintentional trial and error of the costly kind, don't ever get into a habit of allowing yourself to get even the slightest bit distracted and off-course in family or personal prayer time, nor Bible readings.
Before you know it, the devil will let you know that he snuck in after-all by excuses being made at puts off any of the spiritually enriching family times to where, no matter what, it seems impossible to get things back on track like they were before.
You'll find yourself more involved in spiritual warfare than anything enriching you had set up for you and the family spiritually before.
These past few year's as a Christian dad have been a trip and a half  in nearly every way,with myself having to constantly pray for my soon to be 10 year daughter come June 24th.
Why? you obviously are wondering.
Because despite my  Christian upbringing of her and teaching her right from wrong including why.
Telling her why lies and stealing are also wrong, her biological mother when she had her,managed to sneak in some of her-non-Christian ideals and despite my confronting each head-on,my daughter, with the devils encouragement, and yes,he managed to sneak in despite efforts to prevent it, she seems to have be convinced that the opposite way of dads teaching's appeal to her more and now, we have to compel her to read her Bible, she refuses to pray, she is constantly into lie's,and has started stealing from my wife and I to other family members when visiting them.
I have been an Intercessory Prayer Warrior for alittle while now but before then, I would never not pray before going to sleep at t and offering up thanks to Him for all He has done for us, do the same without fail
End every single day in prayer,without fail,thank God for your children, your spouse, other family members including the Christian family members in church,and also for the blessed opportunity to raise your children with His blessings and guidance, prayerfully hoping they choose to stay close to Jesus Christ and in His perfect timing,turning them into healthy young Christian adults that He can use in the ministry and in continuing the fulfillment of His Will in their own lives.
Let every single thing that you do as a Christian Parent and as an individual,be done to our Lord God Almighty receiving His due glory.

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